6 creatives banding together to bring artistic ideas to life.


Bracks Collective is a group of Pittsburgh creatives who have a few big ideas. We believe that the best projects are accomplished with the collaboration, iteration, and feedback that only a team can provide. So, we’ve come together to encourage and explore the concepts bouncing around in our minds.


We’re all about collaboration.

Bracks strives to create an accepting and encouraging environment and foster collaborative projects into reality and work as a collective. Bracks hopes to uplift fellow creators and support female led organizations and causes for good.


Straight to the drawing board.

Our first project is already in the works! We’re creating a custom illustrated playing card deck featuring threatened, near endangered, critical and extinct species.

We knew we wanted to showcase each of our styles while still creating a harmonious project. The endangered species were not the first subject the group considered, but it was quickly one that all six of us felt passionate about. Not all of our projects may be centered around causes, but endangered populations are certainly a worthy first cause.

Learn more about our debut endeavor, the Protected Pack.

Follow our work.